Posts tagged Prue Chiles
21 years of Live Projects: how Sheffield’s architecture students have helped shape the city region

Another batch of Live Projects - 17 in all - has just come to an end, beautifully curated and facilitated by Sam Brown from Sheffield’s School of Architecture.

Live Projects have been a key feature of training architects in Sheffield. They have also had real impact in the city and beyond. Why do they work so well?

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Asset based community development: what's changed in 20 years?

Neighbourhood Strategies in north Sheffield - how it started

In the first decade of the 21st century, a small experiment took place in north Sheffield: a group of us wanted to see if we could create a strategic and visionary masterplan for 6 neighbourhoods (50,000 population) starting not with facts and technical analysis, but with local people's stories and ideas.

Two things inspired this approach.

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